Taxi YHZ Airport

Halifax Airport Cab


Halifax Airport Shutlle Services +1 (902) 225 7607

Online Reservation

Halifax Airport Shutlle Services Click Here


Area To/From Airport Area To/From Airport
Halifax $65/$72 Dartmouth $58/$65
Downtown $65/$72 ColeHarbour $68/$70
Spryfield $66/$77 Eastern P $80/$83
Fairview $65/$72 Shearwater $80/$85
Clayton Park $65/$72 Lawrencetown $83/$100
Peggy’s Cove Rd $66/$78 Delta Hotel $60/$65
Hotel Halifax $65/$75 Holiday Inn $60/$75
Barrington Hotel $65/75$ Alt Hotel $75
Marriott Harbour H $65/$75 Bedford $55/$63
Muir Hotel $65/$75 L.Sackville $58/$65
DoubleTree Hotel $59/$75 M.Sackville $65/$70
Four Points Hotel $59/$75 Beaver Bank $69/$75
Marriott CourtYard H $59/$75 Hommands P $69/$85
Westin Hotel $73/$75 Truro $125/$135
Residence inn Hotel $65/$75 Windsor $130/$135
Sutton Place Hotel $65/$75 Bayside $100/$110
Prince George Hotel $65/$75 Bayswater $130/$140
Hampton Inn Hotel $65/$75 Beechville $70/$77
Homewood suite H $65/$75 Black Point $110/$118
Cambridge suite H $59/$75 Boutliers Poin $98/$108
Lord Nelson Hotel $65/$75 Brookfield $90/$100
Atlantica Hotel $68/$75 Brookside $80/$97
Future Inn Hotel $65/$75 Chezzetcook $100/$112
Cow Bay $75/$85 Dover $115/$130
East Uniacke $70/$75 Elderbank $68/$75
Elmsdale $60/$55 Enfield $60/$55
Exhibition park $70/$78 Fall River $58/$58
Inn on the lake $58/$60 Five islands $90/$95
Glen Haven $90$/$100 Fren- village $90/$100
Glen Margaret $100/$110 Hackets cove $100/$110
Harrietsfield $80/$95 Hatchett lake $80/$100
St. Margaret’s Bay $80/$98 Herring Cove $77/$90
Hubbards $105/$120 Hubbley $85/$99
Indiana Harbour $108/$110 Ingram port $89/$100
Jeddore $130/$150 kennetcook $88/$90
Ketch Harbour $90/$100 Kingswood $60/$68
Lakeside $77/$85 Lakeview $50/$60
Lake Echo $80$/$85 Lucasville $58/$70
Maitland $100/$110 MeagherGran $80/$85
Minevile $80/$85 M.Uniacke $80/$85
Musquodoboit $125/$130 $125/$130 $120/$125
Peggy’s cove $130/$140 Porters lake $90/$100
Portuguese cove $90/$100 Preston $68/$75
Prospect $100/$110 Purcells cove $70/$80
Queens land $110/$1120 Rawden $80/$90
Sambro $95/$110 Sea bright $90/$100
Shad Bay $90/$110 Stewiacke $68$/$70
Tantallon $80/$90 Terence Bay $100/$110
Timberlea $75$/83 Waverley $54/$58
Wellington $55/$58 Whites lake $90/$100
Windsor Junction $55/$58 Larry uteck $58/$63

Road Trips Prices

Area To/From Airport Area To/From Airport
Acadiaville $400/$448 Amherst $260/$303
Annapolis Valley $325/$362 Antigonish $290/$330
Arichat $450/$490 Aylesforf $225/$250
Baddeck $500/$543 Barrington $400/$457
Bass River $180/$202 Berwick $200/$236
Bible Hill $120/$133 Blandford $155/$171
Bridgetown $270/$323 Bridgewater $185/$221
Canso $450/$500 CanCauseway $400/$450
Cape North $700/$730 Caribou ferry $230/$260
Chester $155/$170 Cheticamp $550/$610
Church Point $400/$470 Clarks Harbor $400/$470
ColdBrook $190/$214 Cornwallis $350/$394
Country Harbour $385/$426 Debert $135/$154
Deep Brook $342/$392 Digby $360/$410
Ecum Secum $276$/$316 Falmouth $123/$143
Glace Bay $600/$654 Glenholme $145/$165
Fox Harbour $246/$261 GoldBoro $385/$428
Grand Pre $151/$171 Greenwood $255/$275
Guysborough $400/$452 Hantsport $150/$170
Ingonish $610/$680 Inverness $485/$529
Kentville $185/$200 Kejimkujic $300/$340
Kingston $245/275 La have $225/$250
Lake Charlotte $142/$152 Liverpool $260/$285
Lockport $350/$384 Louisburg $600/$680
Lunenburg $180/$200 Mahone Bay $175/$195
Margaree $500/$560 Merteghan $450/$500
North Sydney $579/$628 Oak Island $160/$171
Middleton $250/$280 Monastery $355/$375
Mulgrave $360/$417 New Germany $225/$251
New Glasgow $215/$238 New minas $185/$197
South Ohio $500/$550 New Ross $182/$202
Oxford $225/$250 NewWaterford $590/$648
Parrsboro $260/$280 Port Dufferin $260/$273
Pictou $225/$250 Port Hastings $385/$410
Port Hawkesbury $367/$417 Port Hood $430/$480
Port Maitland $452/$532 Pubnico $450/$488
Pugwash $275/$290 River port $217/$227
Sheet Harbour $225/$250 Shelburne $375/$392
Sherbrook $310/$340 Ship Harbour $180/$200
Springhill $255/$273 Spry bay $220/$225
St.Peters $455/$490 Stellarton $215/$234
Sydney $580/$631 Sydney Mines $590/$641
South shore $258/$275 Argyle ns $550/$600
Tangier $185/$205 Tatamagouche $190/$213
Tidnish $320/$350 Trenton $225/$240
Tupperville $310/$340 Waterville $210/$225
Wallace $225/$250 Wentworth $185/$210
Westville $210/$230 Weymouth $420/$460
White Point $280/$310 Beach Resort $280/$310
Whycocmagh $440/$485 Wolfville $165/$180
Yarmouth $510/$572 Aulac NB $300/$318
Bathurst NB $700/$740 BordonPEI+toll $400/$441
Cambellton NB $880/$910 CapetourmntNB $390/$400
Charlottetown PEI $490/$510 Chatham NB $580/$610
Edmunston NB $1100/$1140 Fredericton NB $700/$730
Grand Falls NB $1000/$1090 Moncton NB $390/$410
Sackville NB $310/$330 Saint John NB $700/$730
Shediac NB $400/$416 Shippegan NB $710/$750
St.Stephen NB $900/$910 Sussex NB $570/$584
Woodstock NB $875/$894 SummerSide $450/$462


Taxi YHZ Airport

Halifax Airport Limo and Cab Service